My College Life in Vancouver :UBC ぶろぐ


Takashi is back ! Another time of "long time no post"


(UBCのキャンパスから徒歩5分で見れるビーチの夕日:sunset's pic taken at the closest beach from the center part of UBC campus (about 5 mins required)

Hello, everyone. My apologies for not posting like for decades and I feel like saying too many of "long time no post" so far. Now school session is all done. Meanwhile, I'm enjoying this "freedom," so I got a little time off to write and resume my blog posts!





Series of stunning campus sun setting 





I am really fortunate to get to see these amazing views for like every-day basis. But this winter turned out to be the worst in my five years of staying in Vancouver as the 80 percent of days from Oct to April marked gloomy rainy weather. Besides, I am too lazy to go down to this beach by taking steep long series of stairs lol But yes I am really thankful for having these amazing nature around UBC campus!


このビーチはUBCのキャンパスの中心から役5分(5分は盛ったかな、役7分)で行けちゃう秘密のビーチです。少し急な階段を上り下りしないといけないですけど、本当にキレイでしょー?しかも僕のボロイIphone 5sで撮ってこのクオリティですからねー (デジカメ持っていけばよかった)、実際にみると癒されます。こんな近い環境にありながら、この8か月間で二回しかこのビーチに行っていません。(キャンパスに住んでると少しの外出もめんどくさがってしまいます。本当何をしているんだかッ(笑))まああとは今年の冬は雨ばっかりで晴天率が20パーセントほどしかありませんでした。ただやはりキャンパス周辺にこんなにもキレイなビーチがあることは本当ラッキーですよね。

Vancouver's Sakura 



 キャンパスの中でもかなりキレイな桜を見ることが今年もできました。いつもの怠惰な性格から、Queen Elizabeth Park やStanley park といったVancouver で随一の桜の名所には今年もいきませんでした。でも僕はキャンパスの桜でも十分楽しめます(来年はちゃんとお花見をしよう)google で"Vancouver cherry blossom" 検索したらものすごい桜並木をご覧いただけます。

Japanese people are known as so-called "Sakura lovers" (cherry blossom). Here in Vancouver as well, we get to see so many of sakura blossoms and I indeed enjoy seeing so many decent sakura even on campus. If you go outside of campus, places such as Queen Elizabeth Park and Stanley park are the places famous for cherry blossom festivals. In there, you get to see way more of quality blossoms for sure. 

Finally, what's next?

It's been a while since I posted the last blog, so this time I got to write some contents in English. There are some friends asking me to cover my blog's contents in English as well, so from now on I will try to post English's version as many as possible. (Although there might be different versions compared to the ones in Japanese due to some language issues)





(キャンパスでたまたま見れた虹で今回は締めたいとおもいます。Thanks for reading, see you soon! )